
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Are you kidding me?

I don't normally talk about pop culture, but this just can't be helped. (Yes, I am differentiating between politics and pop culture, even if sometimes they are remarkably similar) So anyway- where was I? OH!!! EWWWWWW!!!! Have you seen the pictures? I have to admit, I'm drawn like a moth to the flames with all the antics that Britney Spears has been doing lately. I was duly outraged with the car seat thing. I thought the transformation after Kevin was quite impressive, and I thought the panty thing was just kinda funny. (cause who hasn't gone commando once or twice?) But this??? This just proves that she's gone off the deep end! Why would anyone willingly want to look like this?

I guess really it just proves my theory that 75% of celebrities are addicted to publicity... good or bad. The hype had dimmed a little, and had to go off and do something crazy to get her name back in the tabloids. Yuck!

Saturday, February 17, 2007


I forgot to tell ya'll that I did finally get things worked out at work. My last day is officially March 9th, so I have 3 weeks left. I am both excited and scared out of my mind. I've always wondered how good I would be at being a SAHM (stay at home mom).... I'm a very social person, so it makes me nervous to not have daily adult interaction... but I simply cannot wait to have the time to spend with the little man. =)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


So I went to tell my boss today about the leave of absence. He told me I had to tell his boss. Geesh. So I emailed the bossy boss man to find a time I could meet with him, and well, I never heard back. So I am still in limbo... It's maddening!

Really- there isn't a lot I can say that isn't whiny right now. I haven't felt good for the last couple of days, and it is wearing on me... it's making me grumpy... and I hate posting when I'm grumpy, but I wanted to let ya'll know that I don't have an official end date for work yet... I'm still hoping for March 9th though...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Smoke & Fog

So last week the Denver area was covered in fog... fog like most around these parts have never seen. A fog that rivals (though in my mind doesn't beat) some of the best of east coast fog. I believe that was Thursday morning. Friday night, the inside of our house looked very similar- but didn't quite smell as good.

I had gone to bed at 8:30 with an agreement with the hubby that I was going to get to sleep- THE WHOLE NIGHT! The monitor was nicely moved to his side of the bed, and he was going to do baby duty every shift. In return, I was going to reciprocate tonight. At 10:21, my dreams were shattered. I was abrutly woken up by the smoke detectors- but I couldn't quite figure out what was going on right away. Apparently, there was a pot on the stove that was supposed to be boiling pacifiers but well, it kinda was forgotton about... and the water melted... and such a sight I have never seen.

The child? The child slept right through it. We managed to get the smoke cleared enough after about 15 minutes that the smoke detectors stopped going off. Then we realized that we weren't really comfortable letting Brody sleep in the fumes, and what was destined to be a very cold night of trying to air things out. So we threw minimal things in a bag and were off to my parent's house.

Luckily when we got home, it wasn't that bad, and I think once I get all the blankets and other things that soaked up the smoke washed, it won't be too bad.

(OH- and the news is posted on the other site.)

Thursday, February 8, 2007


I am not trying to keep you all in suspense. (All 3 of you that followed me to the new blog...) But I am waiting for confirmation of things. I am horrible- I tend to get my hopes up about things. And I want to talk about them because I'm so excited- but at this point, I don't know if they will come to fruition, so it doesn't really seem prudent to talk about it.

But please, keep your fingers crossed for us... and hopefully we will soon have resolution.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I am the worst secret keeper EVER. Oh, I can do great with someone else's secret, but when it comes to something about me and my life? Yeah, I suck. I SOOOO want to shout something from the rooftops right now, but well... I can't. Nothing is firmed up yet, and it still could fall through. But for the most part? Something wicked this way comes... put probably not in the way that was initially intended to sound, but more in an 80's slang kinda way. I PROMISE I will share the second I am able to....