
Thursday, July 12, 2007

We should have seen Transformers

Matt and I had a date night tonight. I've been anxiously awaiting the new Harry Potter movie, and date nights are always a good excuse for a full night of sleep... and MeMa and PapPap are only too happy to oblige. In fact, we "owed" them a night with Brody for babysitting two weeks ago for Brody, Lukas, and Sean. Yes that's right- our payment for watching our child, is more time with the child... =)

ANYWAY... the movie. Matt liked it. He thought it was a bit slow, but overall not bad. I HATED it. It was disconnected and while true to the theme of the book, it just didn't follow the story line well enough for me. They changed things that didn't need to be changed. I understand that a 900 page book isn't all going to fit into a 2 hour movie, and that's not my beef. I'm not upset about the parts that were missing (except my favorite part in the end of the book.) But there were parts that they put in in place of things that happened in the book, and I honestly don't understand why. It isn't a time saving thing, it certainly didn't help the flow or the pace- it just flat out didn't work for me. For those of you "true" Star Wars fans- I likened it to Episode I to help Matt understand my disappointment. Definitely my least favorite of the movies...

(I'm specifically not mentioning specific things because I don't know who will want to see the movie, or perhaps read the books...)

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